Case Study: Russian Hidden Racism Vocabulary

Learn how Russian racial slurs are hidden behind the slang and new terminology that allows them to dwell on official and unofficial media

[Racial Vocabulary]
russia and racism
The new empire narratives

Osavul analyzed the old and new narratives that has appeared over the 7 months period in Russia, carrying racial slurs, negative attitude towards multiculturalism and migrants from Caucasus and Asia.

AI-Powered Narrative Analysis

Our language models and cross-platform search helped us detect the new vocabulary of the Russian "race discourse" inside the country, most of which do not dwell on the mainstream platforms, but very comfortably dwell on Telegram and Russian state-affiliated media.

russia racism
Hidden words from the search

Being outside Russian-speaking context, it is hard to grasp the idea of how Russian racism has infiltrated into the state-affiliated and non-affiliated media, forming the public racial opinion of enemies among minorities bringing Russian supremacy to the top. Look under the curtain of multicultural propaganda in Russia and see what is really there.  


Understanding racial slurs

Propaganda has always been accusing other countries in nationalism and Russian racism. However, over the years it has developed the slang that is used by media and even officials to offend other nationalities - staying unnoticed to those who do not know Russian very well. If you are not a Russian-speaking person this will help you understand the vocabular used.

racism in russia

Why does this matter?

"Oppression of Russians and minorities" is always Number 1 concern of the Russian Federation. This is also the one of the main reasons why Russia started the wars over the last decade. Every Russian attack is supported by the narratives about national oppression and calls to be freed by Russia inside this country.

Blaming the neighbors

Learn how Russia calls its neighbors and why even "nationalists" word towards them is used only in negative light.

Slurs used by officials

Why some of the officials use slurs in their channels which you might never paid attention too.

Multiculturalism or a soviet myth?

How Russian unofficial and official media and opinion leaders really feel about the concept of multicultural Russia.

Attitude towards immigrants

Learn about the narratives regarding immigrant minorities and their role in mobilization discourse .

Take a snapshot of a bigger case

This case study is a slang and narrative snapshot of the bigger inner Russian racial discourse which has been ignored by media for a long time.  

russian racism case study

Understand the New Empire

The Russizm is the ideology of the new empire that current Russia tries to restore. However, it mocks the old USSR narratives about multiculturalism on every layer. See how it happens on the level of ideas and hate speech that takes old ideas, gives them new colors or creates absolutely new Russian racism and racial narratives.

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